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you need at affordable prices.
Hi-Tech Vet Care is a Service Provider of Liquid Nitrogen Containers, Animal Care Centers & Animals Feed Supplements
FUll Service Pharmacy
Hi-Tech Vet Care for your Pet Care
We are working in different ways to address advanced and highly developed labs. Our unique R&D model, are currently working in specific units focused on ongoing health examinations. Such conferences are responsible for finding natural and fast ways to cure diseases with safe medications. We work for pet’s life and improve their health are our first and only business goals.
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Fighting for your pet’s life
If you’re worried about your pet’s health discuss your concerns with your veterinarian, but don’t use your fear as a reason to deny your pet care which can truly make his life better and do your part to help your veterinarian by following advice to you when it comes to withholding food and, in some cases, water beforehand.

Get an Immunization
Like people, pets too need vaccines and pet vaccinations, like those for humans, may sometimes require a booster to keep them healthy. The best way to stay on schedule with vaccinations for your pet is to follow the recommendations of a veterinarian you trust.

Order or Refill Perscriptions
Protecting pets from diseases like rabies and lyme disease, vaccinations are a critical part of your pet’s health. The rabies vaccine is required by law. Other vaccines are recommended based on an animal’s individual lifestyle.
Everything in One Place
Your Personalized Pharmacy
Everything we do is powered by innovation. Our aim is to provide advanced, preventive animal healthcare and develop smart and effective solutions for those who raise and care for animals.
An overview of our animal health products can be seen below.
We Keep the Essentials In Stock
As a leading Supplier, Trader and Distributor of Veterinary Medicine, Cattle Veterinary Medicine, Cattle Feed Supplements & Animal Feed Supplements. We have brought the vision of care and love come alive for the innocent animals. Our products with several composition such as Cefoperaone 3g & Sulbactam 1.5 g Injection, Amoxycillin 3gm. & Cloxacillin 4gm. Injection, Pheniramine Maleate 22.75 mg./ml. Injection. Tablets and Chelated Minerals & Vitamins Feed Supplement are procured from trusted brands which apparently gives them the efficiency to enhance the productivity of livestock from every angle.
Doctor Approved
Trusted By Doctors around the country
Due to the hard work, ethical business, and fairness in dealing, we have earned a good reputation in Indian market. With a goal to widen the reach, we are trying to expand our business opportunities to all reputed vet doctors across the country

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+91 79880 42100
B-1403, Ireo Uptown, Sector 66, Near M3M Urbana Chowk, GURUGRAM – 122101, (Haryana), India.
Our Timings
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday : Closed